Malcolm Maloney Jagamarra
Malcolm Maloney Jagamarra was born at Aningie Station near Central Mount Stuart, N.T. His father was Gerry Maloney, an Irish Stockman and his mother Minnie Napanangka, As a child he travelled the land on walkabout with his Warlpiri mother who is also an established artist and whose artwork reflects her traditional lifestyle and cultural heritage.
Malcolm grew up in a socio-political climate in which during the 1950’s the ‘Australian Assimilation Program’ took part-aboriginal children away from their parents to foster them out to white families. Although his mother had tried to keep him hidden in the bush whenever they visited a white homestead, at the young age of six, Malcolm was removed from his mother’s care and taken to Adelaide where he spent the next eighteen years. In 1972, he matriculated from Adelaide Boys High School and three years later starred in League Football under the North Adelaide team.
In 1978, after many years away from his traditional upbringing Malcolm returned to his country Willowra and was re-united with his lost family members. In 1983 he underwent the initiation ceremonies of a boy moving into manhood that he had missed in his absence. During this time Malcolm also learnt his people’s sacred songs and dances and the art which evolved from these ceremonies. His dreamings are numerous including Inupuku [Lake Surprise], Jardiwanpa (Fire), Warna (Snake), Yarriprir (Green Snake), Ngapa (water), Ngatijirri(Budgerigar), Napaljarri-warna (Seven Sisters), Wulyparrari (Milky Way), Wardapi (Goanna)Marlu (Rock Kangaroo), Purruparnta (Frog), Ngarlkirdi (Tree Witchety Grub), Wanakiji and Yakajirri (Bush Tomato), Yarla (Bush Potato), Marnakiji (Bush Lantana), Marlpa (Beans), Pirli-ngawurrpa (Rock Wallaby).
- 1990
- Reichs Museum The Netherlands
- 1991
- Argyle Gallery Sydney, Australia
- Rosequist Gallery Tuscon, Arizona, USA
- Throckmorton Gallery Sante Fe, New Mexico
- Bahti Indian Art Gallery Tuscon, Arizona
- Stuttgart Gallery Stuttgart, Germany
- Rebecca Hosack Gallery London, United Kingdom
- Australian Aboriginal Art Gallery Vineyard, Germany
- Barbara Gilman Gallery of Dreaming Miami, Florida, USA
- Malagra’s Gallery San Antonio, Texas, USA
- Bird in the Hand Pittsburgh, Pa, USA
- 1992
- Art Gallery Of New South Wales Sydney, Australia
- Barry Stern Gallery Sydney, Australia
- Emerald Hill Gallery Melbourne, Australia
- Tribal Arts Gallery Melbourne, AustraliA
- Aboriginal Gallery of Dreamings Melbourne, Australia
- Queensland Art Gallery Brisbane, Australia
- 1993
- Gallery Savah Sydney, Australia
- Mendelson Gallery Pittsburgh, Pa, USA
- 1994-5
- February Parker Gallery Sydney, Australi,
- 1994
- Wagner Art Gallery Hong Kong, August
- 1995
- Holdsworth Gallery Sydney, Australia,
- February May, FireWorks Gallery Brisbane
- 1996
- Nangara Exhibition, Belgium
- Gauguin Gallery, Singapore
- 2007
- June redrock gallery, Group Exhibition, Gallery Grand Opening Beijing, P.R China
- 2007
- July rredrock gallery, Group Exhibition China World Exhibition Centre, Beijing P.R China
- 2007
- Aug redrock gallery, Group Exhibition, Grand Hyatt Hotel,Beijing, P.R China
- 2007
- Nov redrock gallery, Group Exhibition, International Art Expo, Beijing, P.R China
- 2008
- July redrock gallery,Beijing, 2nd Gallery Opening, Group Exhibition, Beijing, P.R China
- 2000-10
- Redrock gallery, Southgate Arts & Leisure Precinct, Melbourne
- The Kelton Foundation, Santa Monica, U.S.A.
- Australian Embassy, New York, U.S.A.
- Art Gallery of New South Wales.
- Professor Fische Germany,
- Berkeley Editions Australia,
- Aboriginal Desert Art Gallery, Alice Springs.
- Mem Aziz Private Collection, Melbourne, VICT.
- Art Gallery of New South Wales Sydney, Australia; 1992
- Club Med Queensland, Australia;
- Crystal Fahren Hoest Gallery Hamelen, Germany;
- Mendelson Gallery Pittsburgh, Pa, USA, Oct. 1993;
- Rebecca Hossack Gallery London, United Kingdom; Parker Gallery Sydney,
- Australia; Global Colours Sydney, Australia, Jan 1994;
- Youth Theatre Brisbane, Australia, April 1995.
- Kellogs’ Australia;
- Hardy’s Wines Australia;
- Duty Free Shoppers Sydney, Australia;
- Telecom Australia;
- Sandscapes United States of America;
- Responsible Drinking Campaign Northern Territory Government, Australia.
- SBS Television Australia
- ABC 7:30 Report Australia
- Channel 9 – Wonder World Australia
- Cable Network Television United States of America
- Qantas Inflight Video Magazine International
- NTD8 Television Northern Territory, Australia
- The Bulletin (Newsweek) Australia
- Antiques and Art Magazine Australia
- Telegraph Mirror Melbourne, Australia
- The Age Newspaper Melbourne, Australia
- Inside Melbourne, Sydney, Australia
- 2SER FM Sydney, Australia
- Sydney Morning Herald Sydney, Australia
- The Australian
- Australia Koori Mail Sydney, Australia
- Australian Way Qantas Inflight Magazine
- Qantas Inflight Video
- The Age Special Edition – Melbourne, Australia